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Writer's pictureKeren Rosenbaum

We Agree to Disagre, Helsinki Concert

Premiere of "LOOK-LISTEN-CREATE" by Keren Rosenbaum

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CC Composing by

Keren Rosenbaum


to your twitter and facebook posts.

Composing Community is proud to be part of WE AGREE TO DISAGREE event in Helsinki this weekend. Keren Rosenbaum's CC - Composition LISTEN-LOOK-CREACT for audience orchestra and twitter.

Please join us and add your listening, before during or after the live streaming of the concert in Helsinki.

1) Take your smartphone, make sure it is muted during the concert.

2) Prepare to send a Twitter message.

LISTEN - with your eyes closed (count until 10) LOOK - when you open your eyes CREATE - a photo from the first thing you notice

3) Post the photo using the hash-tag: ‪#‎playforpeace‬ (both for your twitter & Facebook accounts). YOUR PHOTO + #playforpeace

4) Go to and look for your upload.

"An orchestra is a time and space where the musicians come together and commit to agree to disagree. The audience is usually invited to be listeners. With social media there lies the possibility to have everyone transforming into active listeners and break the convention of the usual setting. Take out the cell phone, which is usually banned, and dare to close your eyes, open your eyes, notice and take a photo. If two do it, it is quite radical, but imagine when many more start doing it, too. What happens is that the audience is getting a musical instrument, the social medium, and become part of the orchestra. With that comes a responsibility. Use it wisely".

LISTEN-LOOK-CREATE Composed by Keren Rosenbaum, programmed and initiated by Katariina Nyberg together with Jan Söderblom. A CC-C (Composing Community - Composition) created using the latest social media benefits of Twitter.

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